For many women, your handbag is an extremely personal matter. After all, the handbag accompanies you in everyday life, transports important things such as your mobile phone, wallet, keys or cosmetic bag - and usually doesn't leave our side in the office.
It is therefore all the more important that you find a handbag that you feel 100 per cent comfortable with. We tell you what type of handbag you are: Everything with you You don't leave home without your mobile phone, wallet, keys, cosmetics bag, sunglasses, chewing gum, handkerchiefs, hand cream and a book?
Then you need a large handbag that gives you the freedom to take all these things with you. Shoppers or large shoulder bags are ideal. Tidiness is all in a day's work Do you travel a lot and always have to keep an overview? Then you need a bag that meets these requirements.
Many interior compartments and a clear size are perfect for this, so that you don't have to search for long - and the order you keep in reality also continues inside your bag.
Less is moreDo you never carry unnecessary ballast around with you and only need the bare essentials in everyday life? Then you are definitely a minimalist! No endless searching, no heavy weight and always an overview: You are just the right type for a clutch or a small shoulder bag!
More shoulder bags
More handbags
More shopper
Don't worry, even if chaos sometimes takes over in your handbag, we have solutions on how to avoid this in the future. Just think how much time you could save if you no longer had to spend ages looking for your purse at the checkout.... unbelievable, isn't it?
The simple and yet ingenious solution are small bags that you can place in the inside compartment of your bag. Simply sort them by category, e.g. cosmetics, entertainment, snacks, finances and odds and ends, then nothing will fly uncontrolled through your bag and you will always have an overview.
Going to the supermarket at lunchtime, shopping in bulk at the weekend and picnics at family gatherings? There are so many moments in life when we need a big bag that has to hold as much as possible, but must not be too heavy or too unwieldy.
The perfect shopping companion is big, spacious and never lets you down. And that's exactly what our shoppers, pouch bags and shopping bags and trolleys do. They transport your shopping safely, cut an extremely good figure and swim on the wave of sustainability - you no longer need plastic bags!
All shopping bags
It is unmistakable: Our environment needs our help. But you don't have to change your entire life, no, it already starts with a few little things in everyday life. The supermarket, for example, is the ideal place to adopt a more sustainable routine right away.
Here are our tips for environmentally conscious shopping:
Always write a shopping list and compare what is actually missing in your fridge. This way, you don't run the risk of making spontaneous shopping sprees that end up going bad in your fridge.
Buy unpackaged goods. For the sake of the environment, try to avoid plastic packaging for fruit, vegetables, bread and cold cuts. Instead, you can buy small nets that you can reuse every time you shop.
Avoid to-go products. Already cut salad, a cold coffee from the freezer shelf or salad dressing that has already been mixed? You don't really need all that!
Try to do without industrially processed foods, reach for the head of lettuce, mix your own dressing and drink your coffee in peace in a café in a real cup. This is not only much healthier, but also tastes better most of the time.
Buy regional and seasonal. Who knows how many months ago that tomato was harvested in Spain before it landed on your plate? Exactly, no one! Instead, reach for cucumbers, tomatoes and peas from Germany that have not been transported long distances. In this way you contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions.
Bring plastic cans. Each of us has a dozen plastic cans at home that can be used over and over again. Have you ever thought about bringing them with you to the supermarket? No? Then it's high time you did. Ask at the sausage and cheese counter if they can pack your purchase in your own plastic can, that way you save a lot of packaging material.
The best-before date is not the expiry date. Even if the yoghurt on the supermarket shelf is close to its best-before date, that doesn't mean it will expire in three days.Always buy things that are close to their best-before date. On the one hand, this prevents you from storing things for a long time and forgetting about them, and on the other hand, it prevents the supermarket from throwing away expired products even though they are still good.
Are you more of a sporty type, do you like trips into nature and do you see your handbag more from a pragmatic point of view? No problem!
We have the top backpacks that keep your hands free for the important things in life or bags that accompany you on holidays on the most beautiful trips.
Whether it's long walks on the windy beach, a hike in the mountains or a long day in the city - you have important things that you can't do without on the road, we understand that! That's why we've put together a great selection of backpacks here:
Do you associate backpacks mainly with your school days, hiking trips and with sports bags? Those days are over! Because in recent years, not only we, but also the fashion designers of the biggest luxury labels have realised that backpacks can not only be practical, but also quite stylish.
Whether as a tiny little model, as a gym bag made of leather to be pulled shut, with sequins or with a metallic finish - since Chanel, Dior and Gucci rediscovered the practical bags to strap on for themselves and reinterpret them on the catwalk every season - the imagination is on everyone's lips. And what can we say? We're pretty happy to have our hands free again for the important things in life - and still look good.
More Leisure backpacks
Whether it's a drink in a trendy bar, a wild party night or an elegant ball - finally there's an occasion to get dressed up! So get out your evening dress and high heels, dress up and the night of nights can begin.
Sure, you don't need an evening bag as often as a handbag in everyday life, but it's the icing on the cake for any night out look. Whether it's a clutch or a handle bag, whether it's embellished or plain, it all depends on you and your outfit. We have put together the most beautiful evening bags for you:
More evening bags & clutches
Have you always dreamed of a designer handbag? Your wish could come true now! Whether Aigner, The Bridge oder Bree – we have the right model for every taste:
All Premium handbags