Alpine backpacks
Alpine backpacks & touring backpacks accompany you safely on high tours, expeditions and the like. Thanks to practical features such as carabiners, loops and eyelets, you can safely store your equipment such as ice axe, helmet and climbing rope .

Aalpine backpackis your ideal companion for sports in the mountains and in the snow – whether forski tours,mountaineeringorglacier tours. These robust backpacks aretall, slim and tight-fittingcut so that your luggage fits perfectly even on rough terrain.
For maximum durabilityalpine backpacksoften made of sturdynylon or polyester, which can withstand contact with rock, snow and ice. Practical extras such asloops, eyelets and carabinersensure that youice axe, helmet and climbing ropesyou can store safely.
No matter if you have ahigh-altitude tourin the Alps or aski tourin Norway – models ofExpedandOrtlieboffer youweatherproof materials, unrestricted freedom of movement and a minimalist design. Ready for your next adventure?
Alpine backpacks & touring backpacks accompany you safely on high tours, expeditions and the like. Thanks to practical features such as carabiners, loops and eyelets, you can safely store your equipment such as ice axe, helmet and climbing rope .